I’m so glad that my first book is out in the world! I accepted a publishing offer from Seal Press for Equally Wed: The Ultimate Guide to Planning Your LGBTQ+ Wedding in early 2016, and I finished the manuscript in August 2016. (I wrote the book proposal for it and found an agent in 2015, just after the United States of America was afforded full marriage equality on June 26, 2015. It was time, I figured, that we get our own wedding book. Our community is consistently looked upon as other, marginalized especially in the wedding industry. Homophobia and transphobia is rampant, and we deserve better. I’m going to cut myself off before I really get going.
Because you could just read my book, a review of my book on A Practical Wedding, my essay for Huffington Post or my reported essay on Washington Post to get a feeling for why I wrote the book that I did and why it’s needed.
To read, listen and watch what other people are saying (or inviting me to say in their forums) about Equally Wed, check out the list below.
What it’s like to plan a queer wedding – Washington Post
We’re here, we’re queer, and we want to get married too – Curve Magazine, July/August 2017 (print)
Planning LGBTQ+ weddings in a post-marriage equality world – Huffington Post
Atlanta author writes the ultimate guide to planning your LGBTQ+ wedding – AJC
8 Alternative Wedding Titles Besides “Bride” and “Groom” – The Knot
Atlanta’s Kirsten Palladino writes the ultimate LGBTQ+ wedding guide
FAQs for LGBTQ+ Weddings – Bridal Musings
Atlanta author releases ‘Equally Wed,’ LGBT-inclusive wedding how-to book – Georgia Voice
Atlanta author provides guide you need to plan LGBTQ wedding – Project Q
Featured radio guest on NPR
Featured guest on This Show is So Gay
Featured guest on The Wedding Market
While the launch party and other author appearances are finished, you can still catch me at the next two events.
Boston, Massachusetts | Thursday, August 3, 2017 | 7 p.m.
Harvard Book Store
1256 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
Free to attend! RSVP here.
Decatur, Georgia | September 1-3, 2017
AJC Decatur Book Festival
Multiple locations and times