Flavor Tripping

Happy hump day and all that jazz. Some folks like to start their weekends earlier than Thursday, and I can relate. Every Wednesday in June, the newly minted Three Sheets restaurant and bar is hosting Miracle Fruit parties to introduce a rather interesting way to taste food and drink. The miracle fruit hails from West Africa and has made its way through the major cities and has landed in Atlanta.

So what’s involved? You take a hit of … berry? Yep, you eat the forbidden fruit (that’s complete safe and we’re sure FDA approved), which changes your taste buds’ sensors. So everything sweet tastes sour and vice versa. It’s a night of “wow!” and “whoa, dude.”

Three Sheets’ Miracle Fruit parties take place on Wednesday, June 9, 16, 23 and 30. Cost is $20 per person and includes one Miracle Fruit berry and an assortment of appetizers, bites and cocktails. Pre-paid reservations can be made at: http://www.threesheetsatlanta.com/events.html.


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